Uysal Research Lab

16 December 2015

Materials Design and Innovation (MADI) Lab


Assoc. Prof. Bengü Özuğur Uysal

Project Team

  • Sercan Beytür, Graduate (PhD) Student
  • Mehmet Eymen Sümer, Graduate (PhD) Student
  • Elife Özdemir, Graduate (MSc) Student

Area of Research

The research of the group focuses on wide range of thin films with metal oxide nanoparticles such as Silica (SiO2), Vanadium oxide (VO2), Titanium dioxide (TiO2), Zinc oxide (ZnO), Tin oxide (SnO2), and two dimensional metal chalcogenides (WS2, MoS2, WSe2, MoSe2) enhanced polyacrylamide to understand interactions inside them and to interpret their physical parameters such as refractive index, extinction coefficients, activation energy, diffusion coefficients, electrical band gaps, and elastic modulus carrying out wet laboratory experiments. Researchers developed new composite coatings with different doping materials (CNT, GO, 2D materials). Moreover, they control the particle size of any metal oxide materials using low-cost wet chemical methods.